1800 Millstone River Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844

1900 NJ-33, Neptune, NJ 07753

Our philosophy is to improve function, decrease and prevent painful conditions, and enhance performance in sport and everyday life.

Our Physical Therapy program combines the latest and cutting-edge Techniques and modalities such as Dry Needling, Myofascial release, Trigger Points, IASTM/Graston. Spinal and Joint Manipulation, Kinesiotaping, Cold Laser, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, TENS, and many more with a customized exercise program for neck, back and joint pain.

Our Therapists are only one of a few experts that can successfully incorporate all techniques with our proprietary strength and conditioning programs .

Whether it’s everyday aches and pains, sports-related or auto/work related injuries, Atlantic Rehabilitation has what it takes to get the results you want. Utilizing the most advanced technologies and over 18 years of combined experience, Adonis Bassil PT offers the most comprehensive care plans available. Together their goal is to eliminate pain and suffering as well… as prevent surgery. Whether it is Physical Therapy, Dry Needling, or Laser Therapy, Atlantic Rehabilitation will custom tailor the best rehabilitative program for you.